Sundays at Mt. Lebanon
Our first Sunday back worshipping in-person since lockdown - May 2021
Sunday service is a joyful celebration of God. Each week we seek depth, delight and diversity in our time together. We focus on God's holy and living word through scripture readings, sermons, and interactive times of singing, prayer and testimonies. We close our service every week with a song of blessing and sending out to God’s world.
Sunday service at Mount Lebanon is a welcoming and friendly affair. Folks dress in casual attire and participate as they feel comfortable. Guests are welcomed at the door and invited to join in fellowship after the service. Lay worship leaders of all ages participate as musicians, readers, greeters, ushers, and communion servers. Each week, we trust that we will encounter God’s presence and receive God’s comforting and challenging word. We trust that we will be ready to return to our lives in the world renewed and inspired. Children are always welcome in Sunday worship.
Worship services are held each Sunday at 11 AM.
Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month.
Baptism and reaffirmation of our Baptismal vows are observed during the year.
Choir anthems are included in each service from September-May.
A Strong Tradition of Music
“I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips.” (Psalm 34:1)
Our music ministry offers ways to worship our deserving God with depth, joy, and love. Singers and instrumentalists of all experience levels and musical tastes find a home here in our choir, by offering special music during worship, and by sharing during other church events.
The choir sings each Sunday, September-May. We enjoy singing a wide variety of music from traditional to contemporary. Our choir rehearses on Sundays after worship and Fellowship Hour from 12:30-1:30 PM.
If you are interested in serving through music, please contact the Director of Music, Christian Lyons at christianj137@gmail.com.
Learning About Jesus
Learning about and encountering Jesus is central to our Sunday experience; but our Christian journey continues throughout the week as we “go in peace to love and serve the Lord.” Growing in faith and service to God’s world is the core of our lives here!
Whether you are new to your faith journey or have studied the Bible for years, you will find opportunities to learn and grow. Bible studies, book studies, and other Christian education events take place throughout the year; see our Events Calendar to learn what’s currently scheduled. Mount Lebanon invites you to come sit in on a class or study group, because the journey of faith is not walked alone!
Adult Bible Study takes place during the Fall and Spring with times announced. Stay tuned for info about our Spring 2023 Bible Study!